
Public Health | Inspection and Permitting | Software, Systems and Database Solutions

Public Health Software – We provide public health software, systems and database solutions. Solutions include public health permitting systems, public health inspection mobile applications and database software. Clients include environmental health departments, environmental services and other state/local public health agencies.

Public Health Software

Public Health Software and Solutions Offered:

  • Environmental health software, systems, data management and database solutions for state and local public health departments
  • Common programs include food programs (food inspection, food safety and FDA retail food programs), pool, septic (OSSF, onsite sewage facilities, wastewater), dairy farm/milk, daycare, housing, lead, body art and environmental code enforcement
  • Clients are mainly local (city/county/municipal) and state public, environmental health agencies.
  • Inspection technologies include offline capable mobile applications for field operations using Apple (iPad, iPhone), Android and Microsoft devices (laptops or surface Pro Tablets)
  • Software applications include online, web-based, cloud-hosted solutions
  • Systems include online public, citizen payment portals, financial reporting, online/electronic permitting, inspection scheduling, letters/notices, citations, case management/tracking and certifications