
Onsite/Septic Inspection and Permitting Software

Inspect2GO offers onsite sewage (OS) and septic software for local environmental health agencies. The web/cloud-based solution is used for permitting, licensing, complaints, scheduling, inspection, program management, violation letters and reporting. The solution includes an offline mobile app for inspection using iPad, Windows or Android tablets. Inspect in remote, rural locations that have unreliable connectivity. Transfer historical data to the hosted database.

Onsite Sewage/Septic Permitting and Inspection Software

Septic Permitting Software Dashboard

Onsite Sewage Septic Inspection and Permitting Software

Capabilities/Features include:

  • Dashboard
  • Database (migrate existing database)
  • Permitting
  • Inspection App - Septic checklists (On-Site Sewage Facility/OSSF)
  • Scheduling – Track complaints and inspections
  • Track contract and license expiration dates
  • System Setup (sewage companies, septic system types, engineer licenses, etc.)
  • Financials and Payments
  • Letters and Notices
  • Citations
  • Reporting - Local agency and state reports

Septic Systems

  • On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF)
  • Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)